Get on the property ladder

Looking to save for a new place? Investing makes it simple.

Save for your dream home

Whether you’re a first time buyer with dreams of getting on the property ladder, or you’re looking to buy your next home, saving with us makes it easy. When you invest with T.Bailey, small amounts add up over time – so you could be moving into your dream property before you know it.

Get started

Hannah wanted to be a homeowner

For years she’d dreamed of owning her own place and not throwing money away on renting. But saving up for a deposit seemed all but impossible, especially with all her other outgoings.


She set up a fund.

After finding us, Hannah invested her money in our Dynamic Fund - setting it up was simple.

She relaxed for a while.

She could carry on with life as normal, knowing that she was getting closer to her goal: saving money for a home.

She put down a deposit.

By investing smart with T.Bailey, she was eventually able to put down a deposit on her dream house.

Choose your objective

First, decide what it is you want to achieve, and when. You might want to buy a one bedroom flat in a couple of years, or a three bedroom house in five. If you’re wondering how to save for a home, it’s important to remember that the most important thing you can do is to actually start saving.

Start saving

Once your fund is set up, there’s nothing left to do but watch your investment grow! Our experienced team take care of it all, and we have a track record of delivering consistently on your returns.

Reach your goal

Before you know it, you’ll have enough saved to put down the deposit on your dream home. It’s really that simple – with T.Bailey, saving is made easy.


Ready to start saving for your home?

If you are ready to start saving with us, click the button below to use our savings calculator and see what you could save.

If you are unsure whether investing is right for you, you might wish to speak with a financial adviser.

Calculate your savings

Learn a little more about investing

Explore our helpful resources to discover more about investing your money.


Frequently asked questions to help you 
find the answers you need.


Browse our useful guides to investing to see what’s possible if you start today.


Not sure what some things mean? Take a look at our glossary to shed some light.