T. Bailey is a member of the United Nations (UN) backed Principals for Responsible Investment (PRI) and the UK Sustainable Investment and Finance Association (UKSIF).
Responsible Investing
The T. Bailey UK Responsibly Invested Equity Fund
A Responsible Investment Process
The T. Bailey UK Responsibly Invested Equity Fund is designed to deliver a portfolio of UK companies which have met our responsible investment criteria.
We have built Environmental, Social and Governance values (ESG) into its investment process.
It is the most direct way in which we can affect positive change.
Screening the Negative
Our sectors policy governs which industries the T. Bailey UK Responsibly Invested Equity Fund will avoid. Examples of sectors and companies that the fund will not invest in are: alcohol, gambling, weapons, and large scale extraction companies.
The T. Bailey UK Responsibly Invested Equity Fund’s investment process first screens out companies failing to meet strict financial metrics. This ensures the fund is only investing in financially robust companies.
Companies passing this initial exclusionary process are then subjected to T. Bailey’s ‘CleanScreen’. The ‘CleanScreen’ is our proprietary ESG assessment framework, which is based on 15 prioritised ESG factors, including climate change and human rights issues amongst others.
Only companies passing both the financial metrics and the ‘CleanScreen’ are allowed to be considered for inclusion in the fund.
Positive Engagement
Our investment team monitor each holding once we have invested.
We engage by exercising our right to vote to ensure that the good stays good and the portfolio stays responsible.
Recognising the value of both direct and collaborative engagement – we monitor the T. Bailey UK Responsibly Invested Equity Fund for engagement opportunities, as well as keeping abreast of voting alerts at our investee companies.
T. Bailey is also a member of the Investor Forum, where we collaborate with other shareholders on company ESG engagement matters.
Being held to account
Reporting to the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI) and the UK Sustainable Investment and Finance Association (UKSIF) acts as independent validation that T. Bailey is a responsible investor.
To ensure accountability, T. Bailey have also established an Advisory Council made up of external experts providing advice and expertise on ESG issues in relation to the T. Bailey UK Responsibly Invested Equity Fund.
This advisory council is made up of Dr Niamh O’Sullivan, Assistant Professor of Sustainable Business and Finance, Nottingham University Business School and Jill Jackson who was previously CEO of the Big Exchange.

ESG is an embedded process

Key influence