Thematic Investing
Learn more about our key investment themes.
Key investment themes
The relevance of key investment themes is that they focus on investments where demand is robust and is likely to exceed supply for the foreseeable future.
Why thematic investing?
This focus eschews the conventional asset management industry template that uses a geography based allocation driven by expected gross domestic product (GDP) growth. Instead, we favour global themes spotlighting higher growth opportunities irrespective of geography. Our geographic allocation is a fall-out from our thematic approach not a driver of it. Investments are made with managers that have conviction in their ideas and are agnostic to market indices.
The key investment themes
- Aged / ageing populations
- Consumption evolution
- Role of government
- Inequality (redistribution)
- Education
- Working practices
Finite Resources
- Decarbonisation
- Climate change
- Energy transition
- Efficient agriculture
- Energy storage
- Advanced materials
- 21st century infrastructure
- Automation / robotics
- Digitisation
- Artificial intelligence
- Data collection and storage
- Trust
- Blockchain
- Tokenisation
- Resilience / onshoring
- Genomics
- Nutrition
- Drug discovery
- Personalised & preventative
- Health monitoring
- Delivery efficiency